Saturday, September 29, 2018

Cancer hijacks the microbiome to glut itself on glucose

A new study shows that leukemia actively undercuts the ability of normal cells to consume glucose, thus leaving more glucose available to feed its own growth.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, September 28, 2018

Vitamin D supplements may promote weight loss in obese children

Vitamin D supplements may promote weight loss and reduce risk factors for future heart and metabolic disease in overweight and obese children, according to new research. These findings indicate that simple vitamin D supplementation may be part of an effective strategy to tackle childhood obesity and reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, in adulthood.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

The hormone FGF23 is linked to structural deficits in the brain

Scientists find that high levels of a hormone called FGF23 are linked to changes in brain structure. They are associated with structural changes in the brain's frontal lobes.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Improved In vivo imaging of atherosclerotic plaque development

Researchers have developed a method for quantitatively assessing atherosclerotic plaque buildup in mice. They transplanted X-ray-irradiated low-density-lipoprotein-knockout mice with bone marrow cells expressing near-infrared fluorescent protein, which subsequently developed into fluorescent macrophages. These macrophages congregated specifically in atherosclerotic plaques that arose after feeding on a high-cholesterol diet. In vivo imaging detected the amount of aortic plaque formed and its change over time, which could help in assessing the efficacy of anti-atherosclerotic drugs.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Bariatric surgery linked to safer childbirth for the mother

Obese mothers who lose weight through bariatric surgery can have safer deliveries, according to an observational study. Positive effects include fewer caesarean sections, infections, tears and hemorrhages, and fewer cases of post-term delivery or uterine inertia.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The quality of protein supplements for athletes

Powdered protein supplements are one of the most commonly consumed nutritional supplements, whether by professional athletes or amateurs.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Lifestyle intervention may mitigate weight gain due to ubiquitous contaminant

A new study finds that perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are associated with increases in weight, but exercise and diet may reduce the obesogenic effects of these environmental contaminants.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Screening using body mass index alone may miss every second preschooler with excess stomach fat

When assessing whether preschoolers are overweight, health professionals should use other measures such as waist-to-height ratio in addition to the body mass index (BMI). A study shows that this is because measuring the BMI of younger children often fails to identify those with excess stomach fat and possible associated health problems.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, September 24, 2018

Interaction with Evidence-based Guidelines a Featured Topic in October 5th Advisory Council Meeting

In this blog post, Dr. Partap Khalsa highlights key presentations and concepts to be discussed at the October 5, 2019 meeting of the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health.

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Physical activity necessary to maintain heart-healthy lifestyle

Exercise and physical activity are of vast global importance to prevent and control the increasing problem of heart disease and stroke, according to a review article.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Overweight pregnant women can safely cut calories, restrict weight gain

With proper nutrition guidance, it is safe and feasible to restrict weight gain in obese and overweight pregnant women, a new study shows.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Weight loss can be boosted fivefold thanks to novel mental imagery technique

A new study has shown how overweight people lost an average of five times more weight using Functional Imagery Training (FIT) -- a brief individual motivational intervention that teaches self-motivating skills using mental imagery -- compared with talking therapy alone.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Researchers explore how changes in diet alter microbiome in artificial intestine

Using an artificial intestine they created, researchers have shown that the microbiome can quickly adapt from the bacterial equivalent of a typical western diet to one composed exclusively of dietary fats.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Insulin shows great potential against chronic colitis

Diabetes is not the only disease on which insulin has an effect, it appears. In a new study that involved tests on mice researchers have discovered a new method for treating chronic colitis with regular insulin. The researchers have set up a company with a view to testing the treatment and hopefully making it available to patients.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, September 21, 2018

Kiwi teenagers less fit than a generation ago

New Zealand teenagers are less fit and weigh more than their parents were at the same age, new University of Otago research reveals.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Mediterranean-style diet may lower women's stroke risk

Following a Mediterranean-style diet (high in fish, fruits and nuts, vegetables and beans and lower in meat and dairy) reduced stroke risk in women over 40, but not in men. The Mediterranean-style diet reduced stroke risk among white adults who were at high risk of cardiovascular disease.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, September 20, 2018

High gluten diet in pregnancy linked to increased risk of diabetes in children

A new study suggests that a high gluten intake by mothers during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of their child developing type 1 diabetes.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

New Grants To Study Behavioral Interventions for Opioid Addiction and Recovery

Overdose deaths, opioid misuse, addiction to prescription opioids or to illicit drugs such as heroin, and chronic pain management are tough problems that are often related to each other. Together, they form a daunting public health crisis that is of great concern and significance to many in the United States, including the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and much of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

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Fish-rich diets in pregnancy may boost babies' brain development

Women could enhance the development of their unborn child's eyesight and brain function by regularly eating fatty fish during pregnancy. This is the suggestion from a small-scale study. The research supports previous findings that show how important a prospective mother's diet and lifestyle choices are for the development of her baby.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Intestines modify their cellular structure in response to diet

Body organs such as the intestine and ovaries undergo structural changes in response to dietary nutrients that can have lasting impacts on metabolism, as well as cancer susceptibility.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Anti-inflammatory protein promotes healthy gut bacteria to curb obesity

Scientists have discovered that the anti-inflammatory protein NLRP12 normally helps protect mice against obesity and insulin resistance when they are fed a high-fat diet. The researchers also reported that the NLRP12 gene is underactive in people who are obese, making it a potential therapeutic target for treating obesity and diabetes, both of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and other serious conditions.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

NIH announces awards for behavioral research on OUD prevention and treatment

This press release provides information about NCCIH research awards to study the impact of behavioral interventions for primary or secondary prevention of opioid use disorder (OUD) or as complements to medication-assisted treatment (MAT).

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Young children's oral bacteria may predict obesity

Weight gain during early childhood is related to the composition of oral bacteria of two-year-old children, suggesting this understudied aspect of a children's collection of microorganisms could serve as an early indicator for childhood obesity.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Green tea compound helps siRNA slip inside cells

Drinking green tea has been linked to health benefits ranging from cardiovascular disease prevention to weight loss. Although many of these claims still need to be verified in the clinic, an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) appears to have beneficial effects in cells and animals. Now, researchers have found a surprising use for EGCG: sneaking therapeutic RNAs into cells.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Strength-based exercises could help child obesity fight, study finds

Encouraging young people to do strength-based exercises -- such as squats, push ups and lunges -- could play a key role in tackling child obesity, research suggests.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sugar content of most supermarket yogurts well above recommended threshold

The sugar content of most types of yogurt is well above the recommended threshold, reveals an analysis of the nutrient content of available UK supermarket products. And organic varieties, often viewed as healthier options, contain some of the highest average sugar content, at 13.1 g/100 g, the findings indicate.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Father's obesity in early puberty doubles asthma-risk for future offspring

Boys who have considerable weight gain between childhood and puberty, double the risk of having asthma as an adult, and for future offspring.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

New Research Career Development Funding Opportunity for Complementary and Integrative Health Clinician-Scientists

In this research blog, Dr. Lanay Mudd discusses career development pathways for clinician-scientists and a new career development funding opportunity in partnership with the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS).

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Monday, September 17, 2018

Either too much or too little weight gain during pregnancy is associated with adverse outcomes in children aged 7 years

New research shows that if a woman gains either too much or too little weight during pregnancy, there are adverse effects in children at 7 years of age.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Stress over fussy eating prompts parents to pressure or reward at mealtime

Mothers report higher level of concern about long-term health consequences for fussy eaters, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Beaumont Bio Med, Inc. Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of all their Homeopathic Aqueous/Alcohol-Based Medicines due to the Nationwide Recall by the Contract Manufacturer, King Bio, of all their Aqueous-Based Products-Possible Microbial Contamination

Beaumont Bio Med, Inc. is voluntarily recalling its entire aqueous/alcohol-based product line for human use due to possible microbial contamination.

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Hellolife, Inc. Issues Voluntary Worldwide Recall of Neuroveen, Respitrol, Thyroveev and Compulsin due to Possible Microbial Contamination

HelloLife, Inc. voluntarily recalls products due to possible microbial contamination.

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BioLyte Laboratories Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall Due to the Voluntary Nationwide Recall initiated by King Bio Inc. (a Raw Material Supplier) for NeoRelief for Muscle Cramping and Restlessness Topical Gel Due to Possible Microbial Contamination

BioLyte Laboratories recalls lot numbers 1138, 1139, 1146, and 1160 of NeoRelief for Muscle Cramping and Restlessness Topical Gel.

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Household cleaning products may contribute to kids' overweight by altering their gut microbiota

Commonly used household cleaners could be making children overweight by altering their gut microbiota, suggests a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, September 14, 2018

Diagnosing and treating resistant hypertension

A new statement from the American Heart Association provides a comprehensive overview of how to diagnose and treat hypertension based on a review of available scientific information.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Calorie counts on restaurant menus have customers ordering less

Researchers conducted a randomized experiment and found that diners at full service restaurants whose menus listed calories ordered meals with 3 percent fewer calories -- about 45 calories less -- than those who had menus without calorie information. Customers ordered fewer calories in their appetizer and entree courses, but their dessert and drink orders remained the same.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Anti-inflammatory diet linked to reduced risk of early death

A new study finds that adhering to an anti-inflammatory diet is associated with lower risks of dying from any cause, dying from cardiovascular causes, and dying from cancer.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Dietary fiber reduces brain inflammation during aging

As mammals age, immune cells in the brain known as microglia become chronically inflamed. In this state, they produce chemicals known to impair cognitive and motor function. That's one explanation for why memory fades and other brain functions decline during old age. But, according to a new study, there may be a remedy to delay the inevitable: dietary fiber.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Defining the Prevalence of Chronic Pain in the United States


This Research Spotlight highlights new data suggesting that in 2016 nearly 20 percent of U.S. adults had chronic pain and 8 percent had high-impact chronic pain (pain that limited at least one major life activity).

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Yoga for Pain

yoga and pain

This issue of NCCIH Clinical Digest offers information on yoga and certain pain conditions.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2018

New tool screens online health ads for deception

Experts have devised a simple screening tool to evaluate if the products popping up on your newsfeed are likely to be scams.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Intense, recent physical activity linked to healthy metabolic profiles in adolescents

More time spent intensely active, to a greater extent than less time spent sedentary, correlates with a healthier metabolic profile in adolescence, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Among body shapes, pears are healthier than apples

For women, fat usually accumulates around the hips, resulting in a pear-shaped look. In men, fat tends to build up around the abdomen, creating an apple shape. According to a new mouse study, it's healthier to be a pear than an apple.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

High blood sugar during pregnancy ups risk of mother's type 2 diabetes, child's obesity

Mothers with elevated blood glucose during pregnancy -- even if not high enough to meet the traditional definition of gestational diabetes -- were significantly more likely to have developed type 2 diabetes a decade after pregnancy than their counterparts without high blood glucose.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Sarcolipin tricks muscle cells into using more energy, burning fat

Ever wonder why you burn fat and heat up when you exercise or shiver? Now, researchers have shown that sarcolipin, a small peptide only found in muscles, increases muscle energy expenditure and fat oxidization.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, September 10, 2018

Immune cells destroy healthy brain connections, diminish cognitive function in obese mice

Obesity leads to cognitive impairment by activating microglial cells, which consume otherwise functional synapses in the hippocampus, according to a study of male mice. The research suggests that microglia may be a potential therapeutic target for one of the lesser known effects of this global health epidemic on the brain.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Change your diet to save both water and your health

Shifting to a healthy diet is not only good for us, but it also saves a lot of fresh water, according to a new study. Compared to existing diets, the water required to produce our food could be reduced by up to 55 percent for healthy pescetarian and vegetarian diets.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

"My Medicines" ... This Brochure Can be a Lifesaver

"My Medicines" a brochure offered by FDA's Office of Women's Health, can play a vital role in the medical treatment you receive during an emergency.

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Scientists block RNA silencing protein in liver to prevent obesity and diabetes in mice

Obesity and its related ailments like type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease pose a major global health burden, but researchers report that blocking an RNA-silencing protein in the livers of mice keeps the animals from getting fat-related and diabetic conditions.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Lifestyle changes reduce the need for blood pressure medications

Men and women with high blood pressure reduced the need for antihypertensive medications by making lifestyle changes. A 16-week program, focused on the DASH diet, weight management and exercise, resulted in the most dramatic declines in blood pressure.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, September 7, 2018

Lifestyle Interventions May Limit Weight Gain During Pregnancy in Overweight or Obese Women

pregnant women being examined by doctor

In a new study, behavioral lifestyle intervention programs that focused primarily on diet and physical activity limited weight gain during pregnancy in overweight or obese women.

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Pregnant women can safely control weight gain through diet and lifestyle changes

Many overweight/obese women gain too much weight during pregnancy. New trials showed these women can safely limit their weight gain with diet and exercise interventions. The reduced weight gain, however, did not result in fewer obstetrical complications. The finding suggests that the lifestyle changes need to start before pregnancy.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Rapid weight gain during infancy possible risk factor for later obesity in kids with autism

A recent study found that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) had the highest frequency of rapid weight gain during the first six months of life, which may put them at increased risk for childhood obesity.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Public health researchers warn of dietary supplements containing higenamine

A new peer-reviewed study of weight-loss and sports/energy supplements containing higenamine finds unpredictable and inaccurately labeled dosages of the potentially harmful cardiovascular stimulant.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

A Note on NCCIH Activities Related to Music, Health, and Child Development

In this research blog, Dr. Emmeline Edwards discusses an upcoming FOA that promotes research on music and health.

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Communication among organs, tissues regulating body's energy revealed

Researchers have identified a system of communication networks that exists among organs and tissues that regulate metabolism. Findings from their study provide, for the first time, a detailed 'atlas' illustrating how the body creates and uses energy, and how imbalances in the networks may impact overall health.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Longer daily fasting times improve health and longevity in mice

Increasing time between meals made male mice healthier overall and live longer compared to mice who ate more frequently, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

What Anglo Saxon teeth can tell us about modern health

Evidence from the teeth of Anglo Saxon children could help identify modern children most at risk from conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

NIH study broadens understanding of High Impact Chronic Pain in the US

Researchers have demonstrated that disability is as likely in the chronic pain population as it is in those with kidney failure, emphysema or stroke. This is the reality for 11 million U.S. adults with High Impact Chronic Pain (HICP), a new concept that describes those with pain lasting three months or longer and accompanied by at least one major activity restriction.

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Whole grains one of the most important food groups for preventing type 2 diabetes

It doesn't matter if it's rye, oats, or wheat. As long as it is whole grain, it can prevent type 2 diabetes, according to the results of a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Fish oil supplement in pregnancy is linked to increase in lean and bone mass by age 6 years

Taking fish oil supplements in the later stages of pregnancy is associated with a higher weight (BMI) in children in the first six years of life, but not an increased risk of overweight or obesity by age 6, a new study suggests.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Ways to maximize nutrition and growth for the smallest preemies

To help clinicians maximize nutrition and growth in very low birth weight infants, researchers quantified the gains and losses of different nutrition delivery practices during the transition to enteral feeds.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Exercise is unrelated to risk of early menopause

The amount of physical activity that women undertake is not linked to their risk of early menopause, according to the largest study ever to investigate this question.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

How weight loss is linked to future health for older adults

A study evaluated information from the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures and looked specifically at health and weight for women who were over age 65. Reviewing more than 20 years' worth of data for study participants, the team of researchers had the chance to examine links between long-term weight gain/loss and health.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Natural 'breakdown' of chemicals predicts lung damage in 9/11 firefighters

Abnormal levels of more than two dozen metabolites -- chemicals produced in the body as it breaks down fats, proteins and carbohydrates -- can reliably predict which Sept. 11 firefighters developed lung disease and which did not, a new analysis shows.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily