Saturday, August 31, 2019

Suggested move to plant-based diets risks worsening brain health nutrient deficiency

The momentum behind a move to plant-based and vegan diets for the good of the planet is commendable, but risks worsening an already low intake of an essential nutrient involved in brain health, warns a nutritionist.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gene therapy reduces obesity and reverses type 2 diabetes in mice

The obesity epidemic affects nearly half a billion people worldwide, many of them children. Obesity-related diseases including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer are a leading cause of preventable death. Researchers have now developed a gene therapy that specifically reduces fat tissue and reverses obesity-related metabolic disease in obese mice.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Exercise in pregnancy improves health of obese mothers by restoring their tissues, mouse study finds

Exercise immediately prior to and during pregnancy restores key tissues in the body, making them better able to manage blood sugar levels and lowering the risk of long term health problems, suggests new research carried out in mice.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Waist size, not body mass index, may be more predictive of coronary artery disease

For years, women have been told that weight gain could lead to heart disease. A new study indicates that it is the location of the fat that matters most, with abdominal fat representing the greatest harm and not overall body mass index (BMI) when assessing risk for coronary artery disease (CAD).

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

The role of a single molecule in obesity

A single molecule, derived from cholesterol, lurks inside your bloodstream and will increase your body fat, even if you don't eat a diet filled with red meat and fried food. A biologist reports that reducing the levels of the molecule could result in reduced capacity for making fat.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Clinical trial shows alternate-day fasting a safe alternative to caloric restriction

The largest clinical study of its kind to look at the effects of strict alternate-day fasting in healthy people has shown a number of health benefits. The participants alternated 36 hours of zero-calorie intake with 12 hours of unlimited eating.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

High-Risk, High-Reward Program Offers Unique Opportunities

In this blog post, NCCIH’s Dr. Emmeline Edwards discusses NIH’s High-Risk, High Rewards Research Awards.

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Healthy foods more important than type of diet to reduce heart disease risk

Researchers examined the effects of three healthy diets emphasizing different macronutrients -- carbohydrates, proteins, or unsaturated fats -- on a biomarker that directly reflects heart injury.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

How blood sugar levels affect risks in type 1 diabetes

A major new study on the association between blood glucose levels and risks of organ impairment in people with type 1 diabetes can make a vital contribution to diabetes care, in the researchers' view.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

High-protein bedtime snacks no problem for active women

In a study of women weight lifters, nutrition scientists showed that protein consumption before bed compared to protein consumption during the day does not disturb overnight belly fat metabolism or whole-body fat burn.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

5 cosas que hay que saber sobre los implantes de seno

Investigar sobre los implantes de seno puede ser abrumador y causar confusion. La Administracion de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA) dispone de herramientas en Internet para ayudar a las mujeres a conseguir informacion y plantearse cuestiones que se deben considerar antes de tomar la decision.

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Medical Devices for Weight Loss and Weight Management: What to Know

Obesity has been linked to many health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Treatments for obesity range from healthy eating and exercise to prescription medicine and surgery. In recent years, FDA-regulated medical devices have also played a treatment role. Learn about approved products.

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Some Medicines and Driving Don’t Mix

Most medications won’t affect your ability to drive safely. But some do. The FDA advises to make sure you know if your prescription or over-the-counter medication can cause side-effects that may make it unsafe to drive.

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Plan, Prepare and Protect Your Pet Before, During and After an Emergency

When it comes to planning for emergencies, pet owners should consider their pets too. With some simple preparations now, you can make sure your pet will be protected, safe and healthy, during and after any emergency.

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Paws Off Xylitol; It's Dangerous for Dogs

Sugarless gum may contain xylitol, a class of sweetener known as sugar alcohol. Xylitol is present in many products and foods for human use, but can have devastating effects on your pet.

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What You Need to Know (And What We’re Working to Find Out) About Products Containing Cannabis or Cannabis-derived Compounds, Including CBD

The FDA is working to answer questions about the science, safety, and quality of products containing cannabis and cannabis-derived compounds, particularly CBD.

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The 3Rs of 3D Printing: FDA's Role

Learn how the FDA reviews and researches 3D printed medical products to protect the public health.

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4 Tips for a Healthy and Stress-Free Lunchbox

When it comes to thinking up healthy lunches for kids, think outside the lunchbox! Watch this video and then read below for more healthy lunch tips!

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Grapefruit Juice and Some Drugs Don't Mix

Grapefruit juice can affect how well some medicines work, and it may cause dangerous side effects.

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Outsmarting Poison Ivy and Other Poisonous Plants

Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are a hazard year-round. Here are tips for preventing and treating the itchy rash and blisters.

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Treating Cushing's Disease in Dogs

FDA approved medications can help manage this disease that most commonly occurs in middle-aged and older dogs.

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Combating Antibiotic Resistance

Misuse and overuse of antibiotics have contributed to antibiotic resistance, a phenomenon that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics

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Danger: Don’t Drink Miracle Mineral Solution or Similar Products

After receiving numerous reports of consumers getting sick, the FDA warns you not to drink sodium chlorite products such as Miracle Mineral Solution. These products turn into bleach and can make you sick, the FDA says.

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Consumer articles about over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Better seizure control with ketogenic diet in infants with genetic epilepsy

Research shows that starting infants as young as 3 weeks old on the ketogenic diet is effective in treating epilepsy.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Kids from disadvantaged neighborhoods more likely to be obese as adults

Children who grow up in disadvantaged neighborhoods are nearly one-third more likely to experience obesity as adults, according to new research.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Excess body fat increases the risk of depression

Carrying ten kilograms of excess body fat increases the risk of depression by seventeen per cent. The more fat, the greater the probability of developing depression.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

High-fat diet in utero protects against Alzheimer's later

A high-fat diet can carry health risks, but for mothers-to-be, it may make all the difference when it comes to Alzheimer's disease prevention for their children. Reports show for the first time in animals that high maternal fat consumption during gestation protects offspring against changes in the brain that are characteristic of late-onset Alzheimer's disease.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, August 26, 2019

Obesity tied to weakened response to taste

Obesity is connected with a reduced response to taste, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Remodeling unhealthful gut microbiomes to fight disease

You are what you eat -- right down to the microbiome living in your gut. Today, scientists will report the development of molecules that can change, or remodel, unhealthful gut microbiomes in mice into more healthful ones. The research could also someday be applied to other conditions related to diet.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, August 23, 2019

Frying oil consumption worsened colon cancer and colitis in mice, study shows

Food scientists have shown that feeding frying oil to mice exaggerated colonic inflammation, enhanced tumor growth and worsened gut leakage, spreading bacteria or toxic bacterial products into the bloodstream.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Your heart's best friend: Dog ownership associated with better cardiovascular health

Owning a pet may help maintain a healthy heart, especially if that pet is a dog, according to a new analysis. The study examines the association of pet ownership -- specifically dog ownership -- with cardiovascular disease risk factors and cardiovascular health.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Study suggests weight loss regardless of psychiatric medication use

A new study suggests that individuals who take anti-depressants and/or anti-psychotics and participate in a weight management program can lose weight whether or not they take psychiatric medications, according to a new report. The study is the first to examine weight loss outcomes in individuals taking anti-depressants or anti-psychotics alone, in combination or not at all.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

The Paleozoic diet: Why animals eat what they eat

In what likely is the first study on the evolution of dietary preferences across the animal kingdom, researchers report several unexpected discoveries, including that the first animal likely was a carnivore and that humans, along with other omnivores, belong to a rare breed.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ginkgo biloba may aid in treating type 2 diabetes

Ginkgo Biloba, one of the oldest living trees species, may offer some clues in better treatments for Type 2 Diabetes, says one researcher.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Certain metabolites linked to stem cell function in the intestine

Researchers have found that high levels of ketone bodies, molecules produced by the breakdown of fat, help the intestine to maintain a functional stem cell pool, which are crucial for intestinal regeneration.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Omega-3 fats have little or no effect on type 2 diabetes

Increasing omega-3 fats in the diet has little or no effect on risk of type 2 diabetes.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

British food crowned the healthiest in major global survey

It turns out that British food isn't that terrible, after all. A global survey has found that when it comes to having the healthiest packaged foods and drinks, the UK tops the charts, with the USA in 2nd place and Australia coming in at 3rd.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Vegetable-rich diet lowers fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients by raising good cholesterol

Higher levels of blood high-density lipoprotein (HDL) -- or good cholesterol -- may improve fatigue in multiple sclerosis patients, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Tips for Small Business Grant Applicants Considering NCCIH 

Funding is available at NCCIH through the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Learn more here.

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'Catcher of the rye' method detects rye gluten proteins in foods

Gluten-free diets have been trendy for several years now, with adherents claiming that avoiding grains that contain the substance helps with weight loss or improves general health. However, for people with celiac disease, avoiding gluten is not a fad but a necessity. Now, researchers have developed a method to detect proteins from rye, which could help food manufacturers meet regulatory requirements for 'gluten-free' claims on foods.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Association between celiac disease risk and gluten intake confirmed

An extensive study has confirmed that the risk of developing celiac disease is connected to the amount of gluten children consume. The new study is observational and therefore does not prove causation; however, it is the most comprehensive of its kind to date.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Flavonoid-rich diet protects against cancer and heart disease, study finds

Consuming flavonoid-rich items such as apples and tea protects against cancer and heart disease, particularly for smokers and heavy drinkers, according to new research.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

High-fat diet and gut bacteria linked to insulin resistance

Researchers have discovered how our choice of diet can weaken our gut immune system and lead to the development of diabetes.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, August 12, 2019

Gut-brain connection helps explain how overeating leads to obesity

A multi-institutional team reveals a previously unknown gut-brain connection that helps explain how those extra servings lead to weight gain.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Diarrhea-causing bacteria adapted to spread in hospitals

Scientists have discovered that the gut-infecting bacterium Clostridium difficile is evolving into two separate species, with one group highly adapted to spread in hospitals. Researchers identified genetic changes in the newly emerging species that allow it to thrive on the Western sugar-rich diet, evade common hospital disinfectants and spread easily. They estimated this emerging species started to appear thousands of years ago, and accounts for over two-thirds of healthcare C. difficile infections.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Walnuts show protection against ulcerative colitis in early study

Through their complex array of natural compounds and phytochemicals, walnuts provide a multitude of health benefits. A new study says protection against ulcerative colitis may be on that list.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Reduced carbohydrate intake improves type 2 diabetics' ability to regulate blood sugar

Patients with type 2 diabetes improve their ability to regulate blood sugar levels if they eat food with a reduced carbohydrate content and an increased share of protein and fat. The findings are contrary to the conventional dietary recommendations for type 2 diabetics.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Friday, August 9, 2019

Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) May Reduce Opioid Cravings and Chronic Pain

woman talking to therapist

Study results suggest mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement (MORE) may be a useful nondrug complementary treatment for people with opioid use disorder and chronic pain in methadone maintenance therapy.

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Promising clinical trial results for drug for rare disease in which patients can't eat fat

In a Phase III clinical trial, the drug volanesorsen significantly reduced blood fat (triglyceride) levels in participants with a rare disease called familial chylomicronemia syndrome; finding could also help inform better prevention methods and treatments for many types of heart disease.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Let’s Say Yes to Diversity That Fuels Rigorous Research

In this NCCIH Director’s Message, Dr. Helene Langevin discusses the approach taken by NIH Director Francis Collins that diverse perspectives are foundational in research.

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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Research advances to better target debilitating effects of cachexia syndrome

A study describes the generation of a new mouse model that could lead to a better understanding of the cachexia syndrome.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Eating more plant-based foods may be linked to better heart health

Diets higher in plant foods and lower in animal foods were linked with lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Thyroid screening may not be needed in all youth with psychiatric disorders

A new study looks at the prevalence of abnormal thyroid function in youth with severe mood and anxiety disorder. It is the largest study to date of this population and will help mental health professionals better understand the predictors of abnormal thyroid function, like weight gain, family history, or treatment with specific medications.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

New hormone injection aids weight loss in obese patients

An injection has helped reduce body weight and glucose levels in patients with diabetes and obesity in four weeks.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Monday, August 5, 2019

Mankai duckweed plant found to offer health benefits

In this new study, the researchers compared Mankai shake consumption to a yogurt shake equivalent in carbohydrates, protein, lipids, and calories. Following two weeks of monitoring with glucose sensors, participants who drank the duckweed shake showed a much better response in a variety of measurements including lower glucose peak levels; morning fasting glucose levels; later peak time; and faster glucose evacuation. The participants also felt more full.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Long-term declines in heart disease and stroke deaths are stalling

Heart disease and stroke mortality rates have almost stopped declining in many high-income countries, and are even increasing in some countries, according to new research.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Jogging and five other exercises ward off weight gain despite 'obesity genes'

For people who inherited genes that increase their chance of becoming obese, there is hope for keeping the weight off. A study has identified the types of exercise that are especially effective at combating genetic effects that contribute to obesity.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Levels of 'ugly cholesterol' in the blood are much higher than previously imagined

The amount of remnant particle cholesterol in the blood, the so-called ugly cholesterol, is much higher than previously believed. The discovery may have implications for future prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Sudden hearing loss: Update to guideline to improve implementation and awareness

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) affects five to 27 per 100,000 people annually, with about 66,000 new cases per year in the United States.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily

Strong evidence for causal link between obesity and multiple diseases

New research presents the strongest evidence yet of a causal relationship between obesity and a wide range of serious conditions.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily