Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Combining neurologic and blood pressure drugs reduces breast tumor development in mice

Adding a medication used to treat epilepsy, bipolar disorder and migraines to a blood pressure medicine reversed some aspects of breast cancer in the offspring of mice at high risk of the disease because of the high fat diet fed to their mothers during pregnancy. Conversely, this treatment combination increased breast cancer development in the offspring whose mothers had not been fed a high fat diet during pregnancy.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/39vFdgz

Friday, December 27, 2019

Using Twitter to Learn about Patient-Provider Communication on Pain

This new study sheds light on how pain patients and health care providers interact on Twitter.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2PYQbDE

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Know Active Ingredients in Children's Meds

If your child is taking more than one medication at the same time, there could be dangerous health consequences if those medicines have the same active ingredient. It's important to be aware of the active ingredients in each medication.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/354kfSU

6 Tip-offs to Rip-offs: Don't Fall for Health Fraud Scams

Been scammed? Don't be duped into buying fraudulent health products. Learn the tip-offs to rip-offs in this Consumer Update, part of FDA's support of National Consumer Protection Week.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/34TZuZL

Practice Hospital Bed Safety

Life-saving tips for using hospital beds safely

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/34UTGzf

Algunos medicamentos para dormir pueden afectar su capacidad para conducir

La FDA ha informado a los compañías farmacéuticas que deben reducirse la dosis recomendada de ciertos medicamentos para dormir que contengan zolpidem, entre ellos Ambien, ya que pueden afectar los niveles de alerta en las funciones en la mañana posterior a su uso, incluyendo el conducir. Las personas que usan zolpidem pueden estar en riesgo incluso si se sienten muy alertas.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/39eViax

Some Sleep Drugs Can Impair Driving

FDA is requiring that the recommended dose be lowered for some sleep drugs containing zolpidem, including Ambien, because they could impair driving the next morning. Drivers could be at risk even if they feel wide awake.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2tUDZvd

Making Medical Devices Safer at Home

Today, medical devices are often used at home,enabling people with medical conditions to lead full, active lives. However, consumers using them face many challenges. FDA is working to make these devices safer to use, including helping consumers get access to clearer instructions.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/375o0bU

Medication Errors Happen to Pets Too

With pets, as with people, medication errors can happen throughout the treatment process, and your animal's health can be harmed. Learn about the kinds of medication errors that can occur in treating animals, and specific steps you can take to make sure that doesn't happen to your pets.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2ESfMYE

Fentanyl Patch Can Be Deadly to Children

FDA is warning that improper use, storage and disposal of the fentanyl patch, a potent pain medication, can be deadly to children who swallow it or apply it to their own skin.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2t3ahnq

Topical Pain Relievers May Cause Burns

FDA warns that some consumers have reported receiving mild to severe chemical burns while using certain over-the-counter pain relievers applied to the skin to relieve muscle and join pain.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/37bZ2HX

Fewer fats over the festive season may be the perfect formula for men's fertility

A diet low in fat and high in egg whites could be the key to boosting male fertility according to a new pilot study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2EV6oDF

Plant-rich diet protects mice against foodborne infection

Mice fed a plant-rich diet are less susceptible to gastrointestinal (GI) infection from a pathogen such as the one currently under investigation for a widespread E. coli outbreak tied to romaine lettuce, UT Southwestern researchers report.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/39joRrF

Developing Orphan Products: FDA and Rare Disease Day

February 28, 2009 is World Rare Disease Day, an important time for bringing attention to the needs of people with rare diseases

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2EVvQc5

Removing Hair Safely

Tips for consumer about common methods of hair removal

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2ZnX0Sv

FDA 101: Product Recalls

Here's a breakdown of FDA's role in product recalls, from the moment the agency is notified to successful completion of the recall.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2Su3EFo

Use Caution With Ayurvedic Products

The presence of heavy metals in some Ayurvedic products makes them potentially harmful.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2ETJBIj

Are You Taking Medication as Prescribed?

Strategies for improving medication adherence.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/34ZUZgu

FDA 101: Health Fraud Awareness

Learn how to spot health fraud and avoid it.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/354gv3O

Facing Facts About Acne

Separating the facts from the myths can help people with acne treat the disease and keep it under control.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2ZAPpQJ

Fortify Your Knowledge About Vitamins

Although most people get all the vitamins they need from the foods they eat, millions of people take supplemental vitamins as part of their health regimen. Here are facts about vitamins, including information on how they are regulated.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2MuWqNu

Food Allergies: Reducing the Risks

FDA is working to ensure that allergens in food are clearly and accurately labeled.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2MwA5Pt

Hidden Risks of Erectile Dysfunction 'Treatments' Sold Online

FDA has found that some products marketed as dietary supplements for enhancing sexual performance contain undisclosed amounts of prescription drugs or similar substances that may be harmful

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2PW7t4q

Start at the Store: 7 Ways to Prevent Foodborne Illness

Food safety for consumers should begin at the supermarket or grocery store. Here are useful hints to keep in mind when shopping for food that will help keep foodborne illnesses out of your home.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2StciUE

Reflecting on My First Year, Inspired by NCCIH’s First 20

Dr. Helene Langevin reflects on her first year as NCCIH Director and NCCIH’s 20th anniversary in this Director’s Message.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/39bdT7k

Monday, December 23, 2019

Moms' obesity in pregnancy is linked to lag in sons' development and IQ

A mother's obesity in pregnancy can affect her child's development years down the road, according to researchers who found lagging motor skills in preschoolers and lower IQ in middle childhood for boys whose mothers were severely overweight while pregnant. At age 7, the boys whose mothers were overweight or obese in pregnancy had scores 5 or more points lower on full-scale IQ tests. No effect was found in the girls.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2EKeSxi

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Plant scientists identify new strategy to enhance rice grain yield

Rice provides a daily subsistence for about three billion people worldwide and its output must keep pace with a growing global population. In light of this, the identification of genes that enhance grain yield and composition is much desired. Findings from a research project have provided a new strategy to enhance grain yield in rice by increasing grain size and weight.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2EKqZKY

Children allergic to cow's milk smaller and lighter

Children allergic to cow's milk are smaller and weigh less, according to a study of growth trajectories from early childhood to adolescence in children with persistent food allergies.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/34P9hQM

Caffeine may offset some health risks of diets high in fat, sugar

In a study of rats, scientists found that caffeine limited weight gain and cholesterol production, despite a diet that was high in fat and sugar.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/34LGPPR

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Making Sure Kids Are Prepared if They Need Epinephrine Treatments in School

Kids are back in school, which for many parents, means making sure important prescriptions, like epinephrine products, are filled and available to use when necessary. FDA wants to make sure patients, parents, health care providers, school nurses, and pharmacists stay on top of product availability.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2oKhLcT

Vaping Illness Update: FDA Warns Public to Stop Using Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-Containing Vaping Products and Any Vaping Products Obtained Off the Street

The FDA is strengthening its warning to consumers to stop using vaping products containing THC and any vaping product obtained off the street amid more than 1,000 reports of lung injuries—including some resulting in deaths—following the use of vaping products.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2VhQJps

Danger: Don’t Drink Miracle Mineral Solution or Similar Products

After receiving numerous reports of consumers getting sick, the FDA warns you not to drink sodium chlorite products such as Miracle Mineral Solution. These products turn into bleach and can make you sick, the FDA says.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2YKFZor

Plan, Prepare and Protect Your Pet Before, During and After an Emergency

When it comes to planning for emergencies, pet owners should consider their pets too. With some simple preparations now, you can make sure your pet will be protected, safe and healthy, during and after any emergency.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2XzpES5

Confused by Date Labels on Packaged Foods?

Consumer uncertainty about the meaning of the dates that appear on the labels of packaged foods is believed to contribute to about 20 percent of food waste in the home. Here are some ways to reduce food loss and waste, without risking illness from consuming spoiled food.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/38ZtrLj

Vaccination Is the Best Protection Against Measles

Measles is not a harmless childhood disease. It's dangerous and can be life-threatening. Our most effective public health measure against measles is prevention with the measles vaccine.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/36YwTnD

Taking Z-drugs for Insomnia? Know the Risks

Z-drugs (prescribed for insomnia) may help you sleep, but also carry serious risks. FDA is adding its most prominent warning, a Boxed Warning, to the label. Find out the benefits as well as risks of taking Z-drugs.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2MibNZI

Watch Out for False Promises About So-Called Alzheimer’s Cures

These purported miracle cures are sold primarily on the Internet. They are often, though not always, falsely labeled as dietary supplements. Regardless of their form, these products fly in the face of true science. What these companies are selling is false hope.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2SiEXLR

To Eat or Not to Eat: Decorative Products on Foods Can Be Unsafe

FDA wants you to be aware that some decorative glitters and dusts promoted for use on foods may, in fact, contain materials that should not be eaten.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2EIXusF

Spilling the Beans: How Much Caffeine is Too Much?

According to scientists at the FDA, caffeine can be part of a healthy diet for most people, but too much caffeine may pose a danger to your health. Depending on factors such as body weight, medications you may take, and individual sensitivity, “too much” can vary from person to person.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2rgSfNX

Agua embotellada por todas partes: cómo mantener su inocuidad

Los consumidores beben miles de millones de galones de agua embotellada cada año. Averigüe sobre el papel de la FDA para garantizar que los productos de agua embotellada sean seguros.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2SfsA33

El relanzamiento de la etiqueta de información nutricional: Historia de dos etiquetas

La etiqueta de información nutricional del empaque que los consumidores ven a la hora de comprar comestibles o preparar una comida ha recibido un cambio de imagen.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2QlkTGj

Comer o no comer: Los productos decorativos en los alimentos pueden no ser seguros

La FDA sabe que algunas brillantinas y colorantes en polvo decorativos no comestibles son promocionados para su uso en alimentos, pero los consumidores deben saber que, de hecho, estos productos pueden contener materiales que no deben ingerirse. He aquí cómo saber si dichos materiales son o no comes

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2ZdTzhd

Alivie el dolor de la dentición y las necesidades sensoriales de los bebés y los niños mayores de una manera segura

La dentición es una fase normal de la infancia que no necesita “curarse” con medicamentos recetados o de venta libre. La FDA advierte a los padres que los productos que contienen benzocaína no son seguros para tratar la dentición en los niños. Hay alternativas no tóxicas más seguras.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/36Wh3d7

Al grano: ¿cuánta cafeína es demasiada?

¿En qué alimentos se encuentra la cafeína? ¿Puede la cafeína representar un peligro para su salud? Si quiere reducir su consumo de cafeína, ¿cómo puede hacerlo de una manera saludable? Este artículo para el consumidor responde a estas y otras preguntas clave sobre la cafeína.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/391ldlX

Tenga cuidado con las falsas promesas de las supuestas curas para el Alzheimer

Tenga cuidado con las falsas promesas de las supuestas curas para el Alzheimer

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/34L4DmM

La función fundamental de la FDA para garantizar el suministro de vacunas contra la influenza

Suministro de vacunas contra la influenza

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2EJav5M

Fact or Fiction: What to Know About Smoking Cessation and Medications

Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States, resulting in more than 480,000 deaths annually. Almost 70 percent of current smokers report wanting to quit smoking, but quitting can be hard and often takes multiple attempts. Learn the facts.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2PJ4A6Y

Verdad o Mito: lo que debe saber sobre cómo dejar de fumar y los medicamentos de ayuda

Casi el 70 por ciento de los fumadores actuales afirman que desean dejar de fumar, pero conseguirlo puede ser difícil y a menudo requiere múltiples intentos.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/35L1HIn

Tenga cuidado con las falsas promesas de las supuestas curas para el Alzheimer

Tenga cuidado con las afirmaciones falsas sobre los tratamientos para el Alzheimer.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/34QbKuA

Watch Out for False Promises About So-Called Alzheimer's Cures

Unfortunately, when faced with a serious health issue, even the most rational person can be led to believe implausible claims.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2EIFgYw

Controle su asma: conozca los detonantes y sus opciones de tratamiento

Usted puede controlar su asma tomando medicamentos aprobados por la FDA; pero antes de ir a la farmacia, obtenga el diagnóstico apropiado de un médico y, juntos, tracen un plan de acción para controlarla.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2QaM5aj

Manage Your Asthma: Know Your Triggers and Treatment Options

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that causes the airways to become inflamed and narrow.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/35LsSTq

Friday, December 20, 2019

Close to half of US population projected to have obesity by 2030

Researchers predict a marked rise in American adults with obesity or severe obesity in ten years. Severe obesity -- once a rare condition -- is projected to be the most common BMI category in 10 states and in some demographic subgroups.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2Q5O4gf

Eating too much -- not exercising too little -- may be at core of weight gain

Forager-horticulturalist children in the Amazon rainforest do not spend more calories in their everyday lives than children in the United States, but they do spend calories differently. That finding provides clues for understanding and reversing global trends in obesity and poor metabolic health, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2Z8t9NP

Comparing heirloom and modern wheat effects on gut health

Amid concerns about gluten sensitivity, increasing numbers of people are avoiding wheat. Most have not been diagnosed with a wheat-related medical condition, yet they seem to feel better when they don't eat gluten-containing foods. A possible explanation is that modern varieties of wheat are responsible. But now, researchers have shown that a popular modern variety does not impair gastrointestinal health in mice compared with heirloom wheat.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2PJH3m8

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Información para el consumidor sobre la seguridad de los cosméticos

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2PHzvka

Old drug offers new hope for children with devastating disorder

A drug that once helped obese adults lose weight, withdrawn from the market due to heart risks, may be safe and effective for children with a seizure disorder called Dravet syndrome, say researchers. The drug fenfluramine was developed for pediatric use and found to decrease the number of seizures by more than half for many Dravet syndrome patients.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/34Hd2aW

Healthy diet could save $50 billion in health care costs

Investigators analyzed the impact of 10 dietary factors -- including consumption of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, processed meats and more -- and estimated the annual CMD costs of suboptimal diet habits.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2PBo8tW

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Nerve Cells in Mouse GI Tract Defend Against Infection

Salmonella bacteria

NCCIH-supported research identifies two mechanisms by which GI tract nerve cells defend against Salmonella bacteria.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/34yxdIi

Request for Input on NIH Draft Policy for Data Management and Sharing

NIH is seeking input on its Draft Policy for Data Management and Sharing. Dr. Catherine Meyers gives details in this blog post.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2s0FFT9

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Large study links sustained weight loss to reduced breast cancer risk

A large new study finds that women who lost weight after age 50 and kept it off had a lower risk of breast cancer than women whose weight remained stable, helping answer a vexing question in cancer prevention.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2symz74

Fatty meal interrupts gut's communication with the body, but why?

Gut cells that normally tell the brain and the rest of the body what's going on after a meal shut down completely for a few hours after a high-fat meal, a team of researchers discovered in zebrafish. Enteroendocrine cells normally produce at least 15 different hormones to send signals to the rest of the body. The finding could be a clue to insulin resistance that leads to Type 2 diabetes.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2PzuCtn

Some Medicines and Driving Don’t Mix

Most medications won’t affect your ability to drive safely. But some do. The FDA advises to make sure you know if your prescription or over-the-counter medication can cause side-effects that may make it unsafe to drive.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2LrY3MT

Monday, December 16, 2019

More than 1 in 3 low- and middle-income countries face both extremes of malnutrition

Being undernourished or overweight are no longer separate public health issues. A new article details how more than one in three low- and middle-income countries face both extremes of malnutrition -- a reality driven by the modern food system.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2PqacCX

Refined carbs may trigger insomnia, finds study

Women who consumed a diet high in added sugars and refined carbohydrates had a greater risk of developing insomnia, a new study has found.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2S8cbOb

Friday, December 13, 2019

Breast cancer cells swallow a 'free lunch' of dietary fat particles from the bloodstream

A research team has previously shown that fatty particles from the bloodstream may boost the growth of breast cancer cells. They now show that through an unexpected mechanism not previously described in cancer cells, the fat particles bind to the breast cancer cell surface and are then taken into the cell, providing a large supply of fuel that drives proliferation of the cancer cells.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2LPlLBe

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Dead probiotic strain shown to reduce harmful, aging-related inflammation

Scientists have identified a dead probiotic that reduces age-related leaky gut in older mice.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2qHOtwC

Want to avoid the holiday blues? New report suggests skipping the sweet treats

A new study from a team of clinical psychologists suggests eating added sugars -- common in so many holiday foods -- can trigger metabolic, inflammatory and neurobiological processes tied to depressive illness.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2YIT9z1

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Poor diet linked to age-related macular degeneration

Participants who ate a diet high in red and processed meat, fried food, refined grains and high-fat dairy were three times more likely to develop late-stage age-related macular degeneration.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2LJVwMP

Researchers discover brain circuit linked to food impulsivity

A team of researchers has now identified a specific circuit in the brain that alters food impulsivity.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2rBuAI9

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lower BMI means lower diabetes risk, even among non-overweight people

Lower body mass index (BMI) is consistently associated with reduced type II diabetes risk, among people with varied family history, genetic risk factors and weight, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2E7LWz8

New findings on satiety signaling from intestine

A previously unknown mechanism that suppresses satiety signals from the small intestine is the main finding of a new study. This may explain, first, satiety disorders in obesity and diabetes and, second, the prompt health effects of gastric bypass, a form of bariatric surgery.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/38tiYHF

Eating more ketones may fight against Alzheimer's disease

A ketone-supplemented diet may protect neurons from death during the progression of Alzheimer's disease, according to research in mice.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/359r5as

Monday, December 9, 2019

Have your health and eat meat too

Barbecued, stir-fried or roasted, there's no doubt that Aussies love their meat. Consuming on average nearly 100 kilograms of meat per person per year, Australians are among the top meat consumers worldwide. But with statistics showing that most Australians suffer from a poor diet, and red meat production adding to greenhouse-gas emissions, finding a balance between taste preferences, environmental protection, and health benefits is becoming critical.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/36kK6Hc

Animal & Veterinary

Consumer articles from FDA about animal health and veterinary medicine.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2Rw08K9

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Study debunks notion that C-section would increase risk of obesity in the child

Women who have C-sections are no more likely to have children who develop obesity than women who give birth naturally, according to a large study. The findings contradict several smaller studies that did find an association between C-section deliveries and offspring obesity but did not consider the numerous maternal and prenatal factors that the researchers did in this study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/33XGQQu

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Behavioral interventions may be as effective at reducing food intake as anorectic drugs

Simulations predict that behavioral interventions such as imposing strict no-food restrictions after meals can be as effective as strong anorectic drugs in reducing food intake in rodents, according to a study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2qtLJD6

Clinical study finds eating within 10-hour window may help stave off diabetes, heart disease

Researchers have found that a 10-hour time-restricted eating intervention, when combined with traditional medications, resulted in weight loss, reduced abdominal fat, lower blood pressure and cholesterol for participants. The pilot study could lead to a new treatment option for metabolic syndrome patients who are at risk for developing life-altering and costly medical conditions such as diabetes.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/33USJXl

Cannabis (Marijuana) and Cannabinoids: What You Need To Know


Are marijuana and cannabis the same thing? What are cannabinoids? Can cannabis or cannabinoids treat health conditions? Are they safe? Find out more here.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2OQAG06

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Link between obesity and gum disease

Obesity and gum (periodontal) disease are among the most common non-communicable diseases in the United States -- and studies show these chronic conditions may be related. This new study explores the effect of obesity on non-surgical periodontal care and evaluates potential pathways that may illustrate the connection between the two conditions.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2DJBopJ

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How does protein fit in your holiday diet or New Year's resolutions?

While some diets load up on protein and other diets dictate protein sources, it can be hard to know what to consume while managing weight or during weight loss. A new study by nutrition scientists shows that eating more protein daily than what is recommended may benefit only a few - those who are actively losing weight by cutting calories or those strength training to build more lean muscle mass.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2sHELuZ

Eating in sync with biological clock could replace problematic diabetes treatment

A new study finds that a starch-rich breakfast consumed early in the morning coupled with a small dinner could replace insulin injections and other diabetes medications for many diabetics.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/34LRivz

Analysis of Data Gives Insight into Complementary Health Recommendations from U.S. Physicians

doc with patient

Research shows more than half of office-based physicians recommend at least one complementary health approach to their patients, and female physicians recommended every complementary health approach at a higher rate than male physicians except for chiropractic and osteopathic manipulation.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/33HXH9O

Pot while pregnant: Doctors urge caution

Daily marijuana use during pregnancy may lead to an increased risk of low birth weight, low resistance to infection, decreased oxygen levels and other negative fetal health outcomes, according to a new study.

from Diet and Weight Loss News -- ScienceDaily https://ift.tt/2YmtPPj

Monday, December 2, 2019

FDA-Approved Devices That Help Keep the Heart Beating

Cardiovascular devices (or heart devices) such as pacemakers and defibrillators have extended and improved the lives of millions of people worldwide. Learn how the FDA regulates these devices, when to seek medical attention for potential heart issues, and how to report problems.

from Nutrition.gov News Feeds https://ift.tt/2PjozI7